Monday, April 18, 2016

Mommy Hood

The one thing that I wish that there was more of on the Internet is authenticity.   I know that the notion of being more transparent or real on a platform that you can LITERALLY be whoever you want and or portray  a certain lifestyle, is a bit asinine.   I find myself following blogs of ladies who houses are immaculate, cooking 5 course meals, all of their children are well behaved they are super organized and I watch them in AWE like WOW...they really have it together?? Or do they? It is just so hard to believe that your normal is perfection. I just refuse to believe that, which is why some of these women I don't find authentic.  

I came across a blog post today of a new mommy(her child is like 10 months old) who stated that she didn't like women that complained about being a mommy.  She couldn't possibly relate to being lonely with having her child...because her child brings her joy...she didn't like to hear women who have 4 kids under 4 or 3 kids under 3 and talk about how overwhelmed they are when they decided to have children.  She has some  REALLY valid points, I often agree with her but I also I kinda sympathized with the women who were complaining.  Let me explain.  The ultimate decision to have a child is a choice.  I am so grateful for my Kaleb and all the joy that has brought to our lives little hurricane is something else.  My son is going from the time he wakes up in the morning until he lays down at night.  There may be some naps in between but for the most part he is GOING....GOING...GOING....all day.  He loves to climb, pull out pots and pans, play in the garbage, and the toilet.  He loves eating things off the floor and pulling on the blinds.  With all of that being said...its tough out here.  There are some days where I can hardly wait for 8pm to put him to bed.

I think what the problem is, is that people don't want to make others aware that children are hard sometimes.  My one child is hard and its not always easy dealing with that.  Raising a child isn't always sunshine and roses...its just not.  I can admit that.  I can admit that sometimes I don't have as much patience with him, I get frustrated, and overwhelmed.  I'm OK with letting that be known because I'm human and its apart of living.  Child rearing is not PERFECT...and its OK to not be successful every day at it.  What is most important is that you keep trying to be a better parent every day.  I just want to be a better parent then what I was yesterday! That is my only goal.