Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Someday I Will....

Whaddup TEAM

Its been a little while since I have been on here! And what better way to get my feet wet then a Link-up!

So for the first time today I stumbled across Taylor's blog today and she had a cute little link-up that I wanted to join in on. Someday I will.....  Here goes!!

Someday I will....learn how to cook like my mommy.....that lady IS THE BEST!

Someday I will be a mother to two or maybe three(only if Coach will let me)

Someday I will truly find my passion in life

Someday I will truly find a job that I LOVE instead of just like

Someday I will run a marathon(half) ain't nobody got time to be training for a full marathon

Someday I will be out of DEBT

There are so many other things that I will be doing one day! I'm sure I will have PLENTY material for this link up!

Love Ya,


The Daily Tay

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


A while ago on Facebook, a friend of mine Abosede use to post letters to individuals who annoyed her at some point in time during her day. Those status updates use to give me LIFE! They were so funny to me....even I had to copy it just a few times.  So I want to bring that feature to this blog. Whenever someone or something pisses you off or annoys you in some way write them a letter. For example:

Dear bad ass little girl,

Although your mother may find it amusing that you are running all over the place screaming, I unfortunately do NOT! Please refrain from running all over my feet before I trip you! Thanks in advance!

See its that simple! Feel free to join in on the fun!

Love Ya,


Monday, October 14, 2013


Hey There,

So two posts in one day is over kill for me so it will LIkely NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN! But I just wanted to take the time to let you guys know that I will be posting more pictures for my blog!! Using my itouch more till I get a new camera is imperative!




Happy Monday Yall!! I say that with the most sarcasm possible. This Monday is so dreary and cold, I guess Fall is upon us and its only going to get colder from here on out. The best part about Fall is that my birthday is during this time of year, November 24th to be exact!! I'm excepting all gifts!


Remember when I said that I would come back with a Scandal Recap?? Well......I tried! I really did but I was too focused on the show to even try to take notes of the events. The best way to keep up with me and my Scandal ravings is thru Twitter....and EVENTUALLY there will be a link where you can follow for the blog!! One blog that you can follow for HILARIOUS Scandal recaps is by Luvvie.

She gives a HILARIOUS recap every Friday! I love it! The one from last week can be found there!! I also follow her on Twitter. And in her comments someone mentioned up the meaning behind Eli/Rowan. These are the names of Olivia's father!! So of course I had to look it up to INDEED see if the Scandal writers get that deep into it. Upon looking, things that came up were "little devil, the little red one, Defender of Man". I don't know about yall but that fit him to a tee. I'm so excited to see what happens next, Shonda Rhimes is always giving twists and curves in her plots! Thats why her shows are so GOOD!

Hope you guys have a good Monday!!

Love ya,


Friday, October 11, 2013


Whaddup Team!!
Its FRIDAY!!! I didn't think I would make it to today you guys!! But its here!!! . AnyWHO!! This post is shedding a little insight on me. I hate to admit this, but as a girl I am JUNKY! I mean I have junk everywhere that I don't want to throw away. Case in point:

I moved into my new apartment on August 31. This junk has been here ever since then, with the occasional pushing stuff out the way to walk around. I keep telling myself that I will get to it! I have been saying that since I moved. I need to get my life in CHECK! I can't be sloppy my whole life? Pretty soon I'm sure me and coach will be joining houses to begin our lives...I must do something because its getting out hand!! 

How do you guys keep a neat home?

Hope you have a good FRIDAY!!

Love Ya,


Tuesday, October 8, 2013



I HOPE your weekend was fun. Like usual, I was working my ass off! Its good though because eventually it will pay off in the end. Today I'm coming to you with something that I struggle with. I want to be thinner. Before you go on the whole self esteem thing I think I'm fine in that department. I just don't like the way I look.

Yall the other day, I was playing around with Coach and he tapped my booty playfully. When I tell yall that my stomach jiggled....LIKE I could feel the fat jiggling! I was MORTIFIED.  I'm JUST so over the belly jiggle....I'm so over not being able to wear body con dresses or a certain type of jean because my muffin top would be out of control. So I need to do something!

So first, I need to put in the work to lose this extra weight. I need to take steps in the right direction.  First I need to develop a schedule to work around my work times and off times. I have two free gyms that I don't utilize. That should be step #1! Utilize the gym!!

Secondly, what I eat has A LOT TO DO WITH HOW IM LOOKING! I hate eating healthy it doesn't taste good. So I figure that I can eat what I want in MODERATION, which is my problem I love all things carbs. Bread, cheese, and soda are my weakness! I can't give them up  but I can try and cut it back.

LASTLY, I NEED TO DRINK MORE WATER!! That is pretty much self explanatory! So here I am hoping you guys keep me accountable!

Love Ya,


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Scandal Thursday


ITS SCANDAL THURSDAY!!! I have been waiting all summer for MY favorite show to come back on the air for a new season.

This show is the only reason I don't get rid of cable. I HAVE TO SEE THIS SHOW in REAL TIME! I do live tweet during the show. And my tweets are FOOLISH! HEHE

Anywho!! I'm doing another bloghop, this time with Her &  Nicole!! Gotta get the new readers!!

One day I will have the courage to actually pub this thing on other social m edia!! Until that day, blog hops and challenges it is!!

I hope to have a recap for the premier!

Love ya,


Her & Nicole

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Blogtember OVER

Whaddup Team!!!

Ha! Hope you guys had a wonderful Monday! Im winding down my work day, getting ready to head home! I'm starving by the way...I need to find me something to eat at 5pm! Whew....ANYWAYS....back to the bloggity.

You guys have to understand something about me, I'm a rambler. And I'm probably the most random person ever in life.  Ask Coach, he will tell you!! LOL!!!

With Blogtember being over I feel like I can be me with these posts. Not to say that I wasn't me while doing Blogtember, I just don't think the questions allowed me to really show you guys my personality. So no Shade to Jenni on her challenge but I don't think I will ever commit to doing a blog challenge unless I A. fully read the questions in the challenge to know if I should commit or B.can really be  myself while doing it. 

I felt obligated to finish it out till the end, except for the last few days I just could get into! is to the next challenge....may you be interesting and worth keeping up with!

Good Night