Wednesday, February 24, 2016


First, let me just say that I am not affiliated with this service at all, but when I love something that is useful and can help someone else I have to mention it.  So I was on Facebook back in January, and I stumbled across The Budgetnista on Facebook.  Her facebook page has useful information on budgets, savings, investments and all things dealing with money.  One of the tools she mentioned that she used was Digit.  Digit links to your bank account and tracks your spending.  Once it has a good idea of how you spend your money, the program takes money and puts it into an online savings account.  Digit takes small increments of money so you hardly realize your saving money.  The increments range anywhere from .33 to 11.77. They never take from you if you don't have the money in your account to take.  I think I started with Digit in the middle of January and so far I've saved a little over $100, and it wasn't that hard.  For more information I would check out the Digit website as well as The Budgetnista on FB and her website.

They are worth checking out!


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