The one thing that I wish that there was more of on the Internet is authenticity. I know that the notion of being more transparent or real on a platform that you can LITERALLY be whoever you want and or portray a certain lifestyle, is a bit asinine. I find myself following blogs of ladies who houses are immaculate, cooking 5 course meals, all of their children are well behaved they are super organized and I watch them in AWE like WOW...they really have it together?? Or do they? It is just so hard to believe that your normal is perfection. I just refuse to believe that, which is why some of these women I don't find authentic.
I came across a blog post today of a new mommy(her child is like 10 months old) who stated that she didn't like women that complained about being a mommy. She couldn't possibly relate to being lonely with having her child...because her child brings her joy...she didn't like to hear women who have 4 kids under 4 or 3 kids under 3 and talk about how overwhelmed they are when they decided to have children. She has some REALLY valid points, I often agree with her but I also I kinda sympathized with the women who were complaining. Let me explain. The ultimate decision to have a child is a choice. I am so grateful for my Kaleb and all the joy that has brought to our lives little hurricane is something else. My son is going from the time he wakes up in the morning until he lays down at night. There may be some naps in between but for the most part he is GOING....GOING...GOING....all day. He loves to climb, pull out pots and pans, play in the garbage, and the toilet. He loves eating things off the floor and pulling on the blinds. With all of that being said...its tough out here. There are some days where I can hardly wait for 8pm to put him to bed.
I think what the problem is, is that people don't want to make others aware that children are hard sometimes. My one child is hard and its not always easy dealing with that. Raising a child isn't always sunshine and roses...its just not. I can admit that. I can admit that sometimes I don't have as much patience with him, I get frustrated, and overwhelmed. I'm OK with letting that be known because I'm human and its apart of living. Child rearing is not PERFECT...and its OK to not be successful every day at it. What is most important is that you keep trying to be a better parent every day. I just want to be a better parent then what I was yesterday! That is my only goal.
Monday, April 18, 2016
Monday, March 21, 2016
The Weekend
Well hello there again.....I've been absent...but that's because I don't have anything to say. I don't want this blog to be fluff....I want it to stand for something and that means that I'm not gonna fill it with fluff just to make sure I have a post. So, this weekend me and my family traveled to Atlanta. The women on my mom's side all got together and traveled 6 hours to GA. The trip was so much FUN!!!It was awesome to just get away and relax and be around other women. It was so DOPE, we're already planning the next trip to the Outer Banks next year. Unfortunately I didn't capture any photos of the occasion but just take my word for it, it was GRAND!! Next time it will be OVERLOADED WITH PHOTOS!
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Daily Burn
So since Kaleb has come into the world I haven't had much time for myself. I've gained a lot of weight since our wedding and I have been trying to lose it. Due to my son its hard to go to gym and its hard to incorporate him. So as I'm watching TV I've seen the promos for Daily Burn and I really enjoy it. They have different levels and stages depending on your level. I've signed up for it and so far I like it. Last week I didn't do anything because I felt like road kill....but I'm hoping to start back up this week.
How do you guys lose weight? What type of workouts do you do?
How do you guys lose weight? What type of workouts do you do?
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Friday, February 26, 2016
Rich Bitch
I have no intention of turning this blog into a financial blog....cause I know NOTHING about financial anything. I just like to share things I'm loving and hope you can benefit from them. One thing I'm reading right now is the book Rich Bitch by Nicole Lapin.
For some reason I can't get any pictures to post right you will have to use my good girlfriend Google to see what the book cover looks like. I must say that the information that was provided wasn't something that I hadn't heard or received before but her delivery felt like she was a friend giving info! So it was cool! You guys be sure to check it out!
For some reason I can't get any pictures to post right you will have to use my good girlfriend Google to see what the book cover looks like. I must say that the information that was provided wasn't something that I hadn't heard or received before but her delivery felt like she was a friend giving info! So it was cool! You guys be sure to check it out!
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
First, let me just say that I am not affiliated with this service at all, but when I love something that is useful and can help someone else I have to mention it. So I was on Facebook back in January, and I stumbled across The Budgetnista on Facebook. Her facebook page has useful information on budgets, savings, investments and all things dealing with money. One of the tools she mentioned that she used was Digit. Digit links to your bank account and tracks your spending. Once it has a good idea of how you spend your money, the program takes money and puts it into an online savings account. Digit takes small increments of money so you hardly realize your saving money. The increments range anywhere from .33 to 11.77. They never take from you if you don't have the money in your account to take. I think I started with Digit in the middle of January and so far I've saved a little over $100, and it wasn't that hard. For more information I would check out the Digit website as well as The Budgetnista on FB and her website.
They are worth checking out!
They are worth checking out!
Monday, February 22, 2016
Have you ever been at a place in your life where there was a huge cloud of uncertainty following you, just hanging over your head? Well that has been me for the last couple of years. Now, don't get me wrong, I've set up a few goals for myself that I have met. I wanted to be married with a family and I received that. I have a decent paying job that I don't dread waking up for because I get to spend much needed time with my son, and most importantly I earned my degree. I can't help but feel like something is missing. I've really been wondering about my purpose. What was I placed on this earth to do.....what is my calling?
I've always been a deeply spirtural person....and not very religious so when I saw this quote it hit home for me. And then it hit ME.....I'm just gonna wait it out....and just follow his lead! I'm going to continue to do things that feel right and just keep the FAITH! Have you been in this spot? How did you determine what you were meant to do? How did it work out for you?
I've always been a deeply spirtural person....and not very religious so when I saw this quote it hit home for me. And then it hit ME.....I'm just gonna wait it out....and just follow his lead! I'm going to continue to do things that feel right and just keep the FAITH! Have you been in this spot? How did you determine what you were meant to do? How did it work out for you?
Friday, February 19, 2016
December 24, 2014 will be a day that I will always remember, that was the birth of my baby boy, Kaleb. Hurricane Kaleb came into my world and turned it upside down in the best way possible. But, if I'm being honest it hasn't been the easiest 13 months. Having a baby throws a wrench in your life that you have to adjust to. You don't have the luxary of going anywhere, planning trips, no Beyonce concerts on a week night(I had to turn down Beyonce because no one to keep my baby boo on a week night BOOOOOO). The sacrifices you make for your child are well worth it.
One thing that a lot of people don't mention about motherhood is that its a job where you won't get a thank you. It's a thankless job that you rarely feel appreciated. Kaleb is young and is unable to grasp the concept of appreciation or gratitude so I it will be a while before he fully understands but I know that he loves me and that one day the late nights, and early morning will pay off. Being a wife and mother are tough jobs...but very rewarding.
Have a good day!
Friday, February 12, 2016
Modern Envelope System
Hey...yall....HEY!!! So following the post from Wednesday about my debt.....I have little tool I hope to use along this journey. One thing I hope to utilize is the envelope system. The envelope system is....where you budget a certain amount of money for say your groceries or gas and you take the cash amount and place it in an envelope. This little system eliminates actual envelopes and allows you to just file the money away. Take a peek....
Ive had this pouch for a few years. I was using it faithfully and then I just kinda stopped ( are you seeing a trend)! So this will help me with using cash only. The only thing is...I get kinda nervous carrying a BUNCH of cash around so it may take some finagling and using it when I actually want to spend that money. If your interested you can purchase the cash wallet from A time 4 Everything over at etsy! Have a good weekend!
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
My Debt
Whaddup Doe?!!?
Hi of the topics I wanted to discuss up here was debt. My contained but its not something I want to be burdened by any longer. I say about about 5-7 years ago...financially I was in good shape. My credit score was well into the 700s, I had little credit card debt...and my student loans equaled to about $5,000. idea came to me....I should try and get my master's...and I was successful for about 5 months. Then bad luck started to creep in. My grades started to slip...I was in a car accident....and then my laptop was stolen....and I lost my job due to lay off. So of course to stay a float I started using my credit cards and my student loans started to kick in once I quit school. So that is where I stand right now. As it stands today, here is the layout of my debt:
Student Loans: 27,342.18
BOA Credit Card: 4,753.06
Discover Card: 3,180.65
Goodyear Credit Card:1,107.42
Medical Bill for Kaleb: 214.40
Medical Bill for Me: 204.36
I know this is sharing a tad bit more then what I probably need to, but I want to be transparent. I like reading blogs where I feel like the person is being real and I want to be real.
The immediate plan is to implement Dave Ramsey's Money Makeover/Financial Peace University principles. I'm well on my way to having $1,000 saved to start my emergency fund. The one thing I'm not too sure of is my budget. I have decided to track my expenses for the next 3 months to see how much I spend on certain areas monthly to budget the correct amount. Even though this may be backwards I have to do what works BEST for me. I have set a timeline for how I want to tackle this debt with each goal starting after the other is completed.
Have medical bills and Goodyear paid off in 6 months.
Have Walmart and BOA credit cards paid off in 2 years.
Have student loans paid off in 7 years(I'm hoping this will be sooner.)
I think I can do this...If I can stick to the plan. What have you guys done to stay on task? Have you eliminated your debt?
Hi of the topics I wanted to discuss up here was debt. My contained but its not something I want to be burdened by any longer. I say about about 5-7 years ago...financially I was in good shape. My credit score was well into the 700s, I had little credit card debt...and my student loans equaled to about $5,000. idea came to me....I should try and get my master's...and I was successful for about 5 months. Then bad luck started to creep in. My grades started to slip...I was in a car accident....and then my laptop was stolen....and I lost my job due to lay off. So of course to stay a float I started using my credit cards and my student loans started to kick in once I quit school. So that is where I stand right now. As it stands today, here is the layout of my debt:
Student Loans: 27,342.18
BOA Credit Card: 4,753.06
Discover Card: 3,180.65
Goodyear Credit Card:1,107.42
Medical Bill for Kaleb: 214.40
Medical Bill for Me: 204.36
I know this is sharing a tad bit more then what I probably need to, but I want to be transparent. I like reading blogs where I feel like the person is being real and I want to be real.
The immediate plan is to implement Dave Ramsey's Money Makeover/Financial Peace University principles. I'm well on my way to having $1,000 saved to start my emergency fund. The one thing I'm not too sure of is my budget. I have decided to track my expenses for the next 3 months to see how much I spend on certain areas monthly to budget the correct amount. Even though this may be backwards I have to do what works BEST for me. I have set a timeline for how I want to tackle this debt with each goal starting after the other is completed.
Have medical bills and Goodyear paid off in 6 months.
Have Walmart and BOA credit cards paid off in 2 years.
Have student loans paid off in 7 years(I'm hoping this will be sooner.)
I think I can do this...If I can stick to the plan. What have you guys done to stay on task? Have you eliminated your debt?
Monday, February 8, 2016
Hi Guys,
I know I haven't posted in a while but LIFE AND MY BABY has taken up all of my time. Now that my little stinker celebrated his 1st birthday things have been on the UP! He is sleeping through the night...MOST NIGHTS...and motherhood has gotten easier. I feel like I have better grip on life and everything that is happening in it. I've started working out....reading books..and just getting back to what life use to be before I had Kaleb. Don't get me is totally changed..but I can somewhat do the things I was doing before he got here and thats cool. I can get back to doing some of the things that make me. In saying that, there are some things I want to do and cover here on this blog. This will still be a lifestyle blog, but I want to cover things like DEBT, and exercising, and just mommy things. I really want to keep with I hope you guys stick with hopefully this will stick.
I know I haven't posted in a while but LIFE AND MY BABY has taken up all of my time. Now that my little stinker celebrated his 1st birthday things have been on the UP! He is sleeping through the night...MOST NIGHTS...and motherhood has gotten easier. I feel like I have better grip on life and everything that is happening in it. I've started working out....reading books..and just getting back to what life use to be before I had Kaleb. Don't get me is totally changed..but I can somewhat do the things I was doing before he got here and thats cool. I can get back to doing some of the things that make me. In saying that, there are some things I want to do and cover here on this blog. This will still be a lifestyle blog, but I want to cover things like DEBT, and exercising, and just mommy things. I really want to keep with I hope you guys stick with hopefully this will stick.
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