December 24, 2014 will be a day that I will always remember, that was the birth of my baby boy, Kaleb. Hurricane Kaleb came into my world and turned it upside down in the best way possible. But, if I'm being honest it hasn't been the easiest 13 months. Having a baby throws a wrench in your life that you have to adjust to. You don't have the luxary of going anywhere, planning trips, no Beyonce concerts on a week night(I had to turn down Beyonce because no one to keep my baby boo on a week night BOOOOOO). The sacrifices you make for your child are well worth it.

One thing that a lot of people don't mention about motherhood is that its a job where you won't get a thank you. It's a thankless job that you rarely feel appreciated. Kaleb is young and is unable to grasp the concept of appreciation or gratitude so I it will be a while before he fully understands but I know that he loves me and that one day the late nights, and early morning will pay off. Being a wife and mother are tough jobs...but very rewarding.
Have a good day!
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