Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Blogtember Day 6

Tuesday, September 10: Describe a distinct moment when your life took a turn.

I would  have to say in February of 2012 I lost my job with a company I was contracting for. Now mind you I knew that the job would be ending but not 6 months prior to that. I believed that as the first person on I would be the last person out. I was mistaken. So, I worked in two different cities 30 minutes apart. I would travel to both during the week. In the middle of the project I was working primarily in one. My part wasn't doing as well as the other considering that I was the only one in my city and the other city had 3 or 4 people Monday-Friday. So who would think that my city would be doing better when I'm the only one busting my ASS?!


Although I didn't particularly like my job, I was good at what I did so when I was told that I would be the one let go! I was SO SAD...what was  I going to do for money...how was I going to survive? Then I got kinda excited because it was an opportunity for a new beginning and a chance to be away from the place that I wasn't happy in. My refund check came around that time as well as my unemployment so for a good month I was living high off the hog. Until I started my job hunt again and ended up with NOTHING. I went on several interviews and no one was biting. Up to this point, this time was probably the lowest in my life. Being unemployed, someone broke into my house, I had an accident in my car just to name a few things going on and not to mention the bills that kept adding and adding UP.

In September of 2012 I finally found a dead end job that allowed me to get off of unemployment but I was barely making it by. Furthermore I HATED THAT PLACE!

That time in my life taught me a lot about who I was and money management. Still trying to grasp this whole money management thing but I'm learning. I'm no longer at the dreadful place and now at a new one that I don' mind and the potential to move up is A HUGE POSSIBILITY.  So...my big homie upstairs was working it out for me an placed me where I needed to be. And for that I'm thankful.

Interested to read the other posts for Blogtember!

Love Always,


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