Hey Guys!!
I know its been a long time BUT I have been busy with BOTH jobs......traveling for my birthday......being sick with the worst cold...complete with achy joints and fever chills! I'm coming back SOON! Or at least I want to!
Friday, December 6, 2013
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Lovely Thursdays
Thats my southern belle side coming out! Not much to say today but its SCANDAL THURSDAY!!
Thats my southern belle side coming out! Not much to say today but its SCANDAL THURSDAY!!
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
New Blogger Issues
Whaddup Team!!
I hope you are having an awesome Tuesday! I'm sitting here at work being extremely busy and decided to sit down and write a post about some issues that I have been running into while being a new blogger. Nothing too serious but I'm not quite sure how to handle some of these.
1. Replying to Emailed comments
Can I say that I was ELATED to receive comments to my inbox in to reply to one of my comments OR someone replying to my blog. BUT after that confusion sets in because I'm not sure of the etiquette of returning responses to comments. Do I email that person back? Or do I go to their blog and return a comment there? I just don't know!
Now I know that you have to post the gif to a picture hosting site blah blahaobpa blah. But its so confusing...I don't do this HTML....hosting pictures stuff! Had I known the work that went into that I might have thought more on the whole blogging thing.
This is is term is slightly confusing. I kinda get it! But its like....am I paying for bloggers to come to my page....there are free options but if you don't like my blog yourself will you not sponsor me? I don't get it maybe I'm missing something.
I hope you are having an awesome Tuesday! I'm sitting here at work being extremely busy and decided to sit down and write a post about some issues that I have been running into while being a new blogger. Nothing too serious but I'm not quite sure how to handle some of these.
1. Replying to Emailed comments
Can I say that I was ELATED to receive comments to my inbox in to reply to one of my comments OR someone replying to my blog. BUT after that confusion sets in because I'm not sure of the etiquette of returning responses to comments. Do I email that person back? Or do I go to their blog and return a comment there? I just don't know!
*insert gif here*
2. How to insert Gifs in blogs
Now I know that you have to post the gif to a picture hosting site blah blahaobpa blah. But its so confusing...I don't do this HTML....hosting pictures stuff! Had I known the work that went into that I might have thought more on the whole blogging thing.
3. Sponsorship
This is is term is slightly confusing. I kinda get it! But its like....am I paying for bloggers to come to my page....there are free options but if you don't like my blog yourself will you not sponsor me? I don't get it maybe I'm missing something.
4. Blogging Every Day
Although I enjoy blogging, I don't know if I could ever commit to doing it everyday. For you ladies who do *bowing* I commend you!!! I really don't BUT I don't think I could. Blogging for money might not be my thing! Good thing I like to do this! Perfect Hobby!
Those are a few things I'm confused by! What are you confused by? Any tips for the new bloggers that are here and coming up?
Love Ya,
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Someday I Will....
Whaddup TEAM
Its been a little while since I have been on here! And what better way to get my feet wet then a Link-up!
So for the first time today I stumbled across Taylor's blog today and she had a cute little link-up that I wanted to join in on. Someday I will..... Here goes!!
Someday I will....learn how to cook like my mommy.....that lady IS THE BEST!
Someday I will be a mother to two or maybe three(only if Coach will let me)
Someday I will truly find my passion in life
Someday I will truly find a job that I LOVE instead of just like
Someday I will run a marathon(half) ain't nobody got time to be training for a full marathon
Someday I will be out of DEBT
There are so many other things that I will be doing one day! I'm sure I will have PLENTY material for this link up!
Love Ya,
Its been a little while since I have been on here! And what better way to get my feet wet then a Link-up!
So for the first time today I stumbled across Taylor's blog today and she had a cute little link-up that I wanted to join in on. Someday I will..... Here goes!!
Someday I will....learn how to cook like my mommy.....that lady IS THE BEST!
Someday I will be a mother to two or maybe three(only if Coach will let me)
Someday I will truly find my passion in life
Someday I will truly find a job that I LOVE instead of just like
Someday I will run a marathon(half) ain't nobody got time to be training for a full marathon
Someday I will be out of DEBT
There are so many other things that I will be doing one day! I'm sure I will have PLENTY material for this link up!
Love Ya,
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
A while ago on Facebook, a friend of mine Abosede use to post letters to individuals who annoyed her at some point in time during her day. Those status updates use to give me LIFE! They were so funny to me....even I had to copy it just a few times. So I want to bring that feature to this blog. Whenever someone or something pisses you off or annoys you in some way write them a letter. For example:
Dear bad ass little girl,
Although your mother may find it amusing that you are running all over the place screaming, I unfortunately do NOT! Please refrain from running all over my feet before I trip you! Thanks in advance!
See its that simple! Feel free to join in on the fun!
Love Ya,
Dear bad ass little girl,
Although your mother may find it amusing that you are running all over the place screaming, I unfortunately do NOT! Please refrain from running all over my feet before I trip you! Thanks in advance!
See its that simple! Feel free to join in on the fun!
Love Ya,
Monday, October 14, 2013
Hey There,
So two posts in one day is over kill for me so it will LIkely NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN! But I just wanted to take the time to let you guys know that I will be posting more pictures for my blog!! Using my itouch more till I get a new camera is imperative!
So two posts in one day is over kill for me so it will LIkely NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN! But I just wanted to take the time to let you guys know that I will be posting more pictures for my blog!! Using my itouch more till I get a new camera is imperative!
Happy Monday Yall!! I say that with the most sarcasm possible. This Monday is so dreary and cold, I guess Fall is upon us and its only going to get colder from here on out. The best part about Fall is that my birthday is during this time of year, November 24th to be exact!! I'm excepting all gifts!
Remember when I said that I would come back with a Scandal Recap?? Well......I tried! I really did but I was too focused on the show to even try to take notes of the events. The best way to keep up with me and my Scandal ravings is thru Twitter....and EVENTUALLY there will be a link where you can follow for the blog!! One blog that you can follow for HILARIOUS Scandal recaps is by Luvvie.
She gives a HILARIOUS recap every Friday! I love it! The one from last week can be found there!! I also follow her on Twitter. And in her comments someone mentioned up the meaning behind Eli/Rowan. These are the names of Olivia's father!! So of course I had to look it up to INDEED see if the Scandal writers get that deep into it. Upon looking, things that came up were "little devil, the little red one, Defender of Man". I don't know about yall but that fit him to a tee. I'm so excited to see what happens next, Shonda Rhimes is always giving twists and curves in her plots! Thats why her shows are so GOOD!
Hope you guys have a good Monday!!
Love ya,
Happy Monday Yall!! I say that with the most sarcasm possible. This Monday is so dreary and cold, I guess Fall is upon us and its only going to get colder from here on out. The best part about Fall is that my birthday is during this time of year, November 24th to be exact!! I'm excepting all gifts!
Remember when I said that I would come back with a Scandal Recap?? Well......I tried! I really did but I was too focused on the show to even try to take notes of the events. The best way to keep up with me and my Scandal ravings is thru Twitter....and EVENTUALLY there will be a link where you can follow for the blog!! One blog that you can follow for HILARIOUS Scandal recaps is by Luvvie.
She gives a HILARIOUS recap every Friday! I love it! The one from last week can be found there!! I also follow her on Twitter. And in her comments someone mentioned up the meaning behind Eli/Rowan. These are the names of Olivia's father!! So of course I had to look it up to INDEED see if the Scandal writers get that deep into it. Upon looking, things that came up were "little devil, the little red one, Defender of Man". I don't know about yall but that fit him to a tee. I'm so excited to see what happens next, Shonda Rhimes is always giving twists and curves in her plots! Thats why her shows are so GOOD!
Hope you guys have a good Monday!!
Love ya,
Friday, October 11, 2013
Whaddup Team!!
Its FRIDAY!!! I didn't think I would make it to today you guys!! But its here!!! . AnyWHO!! This post is shedding a little insight on me. I hate to admit this, but as a girl I am JUNKY! I mean I have junk everywhere that I don't want to throw away. Case in point:
I moved into my new apartment on August 31. This junk has been here ever since then, with the occasional pushing stuff out the way to walk around. I keep telling myself that I will get to it! I have been saying that since I moved. I need to get my life in CHECK! I can't be sloppy my whole life? Pretty soon I'm sure me and coach will be joining houses to begin our lives...I must do something because its getting out hand!!
How do you guys keep a neat home?
Hope you have a good FRIDAY!!
Love Ya,
Its FRIDAY!!! I didn't think I would make it to today you guys!! But its here!!! . AnyWHO!! This post is shedding a little insight on me. I hate to admit this, but as a girl I am JUNKY! I mean I have junk everywhere that I don't want to throw away. Case in point:
I moved into my new apartment on August 31. This junk has been here ever since then, with the occasional pushing stuff out the way to walk around. I keep telling myself that I will get to it! I have been saying that since I moved. I need to get my life in CHECK! I can't be sloppy my whole life? Pretty soon I'm sure me and coach will be joining houses to begin our lives...I must do something because its getting out hand!!
How do you guys keep a neat home?
Hope you have a good FRIDAY!!
Love Ya,
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
I HOPE your weekend was fun. Like usual, I was working my ass off! Its good though because eventually it will pay off in the end. Today I'm coming to you with something that I struggle with. I want to be thinner. Before you go on the whole self esteem thing I think I'm fine in that department. I just don't like the way I look.
Yall the other day, I was playing around with Coach and he tapped my booty playfully. When I tell yall that my stomach jiggled....LIKE I could feel the fat jiggling! I was MORTIFIED. I'm JUST so over the belly jiggle....I'm so over not being able to wear body con dresses or a certain type of jean because my muffin top would be out of control. So I need to do something!
So first, I need to put in the work to lose this extra weight. I need to take steps in the right direction. First I need to develop a schedule to work around my work times and off times. I have two free gyms that I don't utilize. That should be step #1! Utilize the gym!!
Secondly, what I eat has A LOT TO DO WITH HOW IM LOOKING! I hate eating healthy it doesn't taste good. So I figure that I can eat what I want in MODERATION, which is my problem I love all things carbs. Bread, cheese, and soda are my weakness! I can't give them up but I can try and cut it back.
LASTLY, I NEED TO DRINK MORE WATER!! That is pretty much self explanatory! So here I am hoping you guys keep me accountable!
Love Ya,
I HOPE your weekend was fun. Like usual, I was working my ass off! Its good though because eventually it will pay off in the end. Today I'm coming to you with something that I struggle with. I want to be thinner. Before you go on the whole self esteem thing I think I'm fine in that department. I just don't like the way I look.
Yall the other day, I was playing around with Coach and he tapped my booty playfully. When I tell yall that my stomach jiggled....LIKE I could feel the fat jiggling! I was MORTIFIED. I'm JUST so over the belly jiggle....I'm so over not being able to wear body con dresses or a certain type of jean because my muffin top would be out of control. So I need to do something!
So first, I need to put in the work to lose this extra weight. I need to take steps in the right direction. First I need to develop a schedule to work around my work times and off times. I have two free gyms that I don't utilize. That should be step #1! Utilize the gym!!
Secondly, what I eat has A LOT TO DO WITH HOW IM LOOKING! I hate eating healthy it doesn't taste good. So I figure that I can eat what I want in MODERATION, which is my problem I love all things carbs. Bread, cheese, and soda are my weakness! I can't give them up but I can try and cut it back.
LASTLY, I NEED TO DRINK MORE WATER!! That is pretty much self explanatory! So here I am hoping you guys keep me accountable!
Love Ya,
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Scandal Thursday
ITS SCANDAL THURSDAY!!! I have been waiting all summer for MY favorite show to come back on the air for a new season.
This show is the only reason I don't get rid of cable. I HAVE TO SEE THIS SHOW in REAL TIME! I do live tweet during the show. And my tweets are FOOLISH! HEHE
Anywho!! I'm doing another bloghop, this time with Her & Nicole!! Gotta get the new readers!!
One day I will have the courage to actually pub this thing on other social m edia!! Until that day, blog hops and challenges it is!!
I hope to have a recap for the premier!
Love ya,
ITS SCANDAL THURSDAY!!! I have been waiting all summer for MY favorite show to come back on the air for a new season.
This show is the only reason I don't get rid of cable. I HAVE TO SEE THIS SHOW in REAL TIME! I do live tweet during the show. And my tweets are FOOLISH! HEHE
Anywho!! I'm doing another bloghop, this time with Her & Nicole!! Gotta get the new readers!!
One day I will have the courage to actually pub this thing on other social m edia!! Until that day, blog hops and challenges it is!!
I hope to have a recap for the premier!
Love ya,
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Blogtember OVER
Whaddup Team!!!
Ha! Hope you guys had a wonderful Monday! Im winding down my work day, getting ready to head home! I'm starving by the way...I need to find me something to eat at 5pm! Whew....ANYWAYS....back to the bloggity.
You guys have to understand something about me, I'm a rambler. And I'm probably the most random person ever in life. Ask Coach, he will tell you!! LOL!!!
With Blogtember being over I feel like I can be me with these posts. Not to say that I wasn't me while doing Blogtember, I just don't think the questions allowed me to really show you guys my personality. So no Shade to Jenni on her challenge but I don't think I will ever commit to doing a blog challenge unless I A. fully read the questions in the challenge to know if I should commit or B.can really be myself while doing it.
I felt obligated to finish it out till the end, except for the last few days I just could get into! So....here is to the next challenge....may you be interesting and worth keeping up with!
Good Night
Ha! Hope you guys had a wonderful Monday! Im winding down my work day, getting ready to head home! I'm starving by the way...I need to find me something to eat at 5pm! Whew....ANYWAYS....back to the bloggity.
You guys have to understand something about me, I'm a rambler. And I'm probably the most random person ever in life. Ask Coach, he will tell you!! LOL!!!
With Blogtember being over I feel like I can be me with these posts. Not to say that I wasn't me while doing Blogtember, I just don't think the questions allowed me to really show you guys my personality. So no Shade to Jenni on her challenge but I don't think I will ever commit to doing a blog challenge unless I A. fully read the questions in the challenge to know if I should commit or B.can really be myself while doing it.
I felt obligated to finish it out till the end, except for the last few days I just could get into! So....here is to the next challenge....may you be interesting and worth keeping up with!
Good Night
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Hey Hey Hey!!!
I hope everyone's weekend was AMAZE BALLS AS MINE WAS! IT WASN'T.....oh I'm sorry! LOL! But no! My weekend was full of FUN THINGS. This will be a post with no pictures BUT I just didn't think to take any because I was having such a great time. I would love a new camera so maybe in the near future I can have a new camera for live and the bloggity.
Saturday morning I had to spend a little money on getting the oil changed in my Red as well as clear up some of the battery corrosion. My love, Coach, came down to spend time with me, and we headed out to an outlet in a nearby city and window shopped. I used this opportunity to see what my baby likes and I think he was doing the same thing ;)! LOL! After we looked around, we came back to town and went to our mall. We were there shopping for my nephew's birthday and get him fresh for the winter with a new outfit. We also made a trip to Old Navy so my baby could go shopping for his daughter. She racked up! While in that shopping center we went next door to babies r us! One of my best friends in the world is having a baby...and we went in there to see what type of travel systems they have.
After all of that shopping, we headed back to the mall to check out a movie, Baggage Claim. Baggage claim was really good! I liked it a lot. If you are looking for a cute romantic comedy then that's the way to go. After the movie we had dinner together and went home for some "us" time!
Today, we headed over to my sister's house for a gathering for the September birthdays. My sister, cousin, and my nephew all have birthdays in September. This was fun event because, my aunt, grandmother, and my MOTHER were there!! It was just a good time and being able to spend time with the people I love was even better. I'm hoping this good mojo that I have had this weekend heads in to the coming up week. Here is HOPING for a wonderful MONDAY!
Love ya,
I hope everyone's weekend was AMAZE BALLS AS MINE WAS! IT WASN'T.....oh I'm sorry! LOL! But no! My weekend was full of FUN THINGS. This will be a post with no pictures BUT I just didn't think to take any because I was having such a great time. I would love a new camera so maybe in the near future I can have a new camera for live and the bloggity.
Saturday morning I had to spend a little money on getting the oil changed in my Red as well as clear up some of the battery corrosion. My love, Coach, came down to spend time with me, and we headed out to an outlet in a nearby city and window shopped. I used this opportunity to see what my baby likes and I think he was doing the same thing ;)! LOL! After we looked around, we came back to town and went to our mall. We were there shopping for my nephew's birthday and get him fresh for the winter with a new outfit. We also made a trip to Old Navy so my baby could go shopping for his daughter. She racked up! While in that shopping center we went next door to babies r us! One of my best friends in the world is having a baby...and we went in there to see what type of travel systems they have.
After all of that shopping, we headed back to the mall to check out a movie, Baggage Claim. Baggage claim was really good! I liked it a lot. If you are looking for a cute romantic comedy then that's the way to go. After the movie we had dinner together and went home for some "us" time!
Today, we headed over to my sister's house for a gathering for the September birthdays. My sister, cousin, and my nephew all have birthdays in September. This was fun event because, my aunt, grandmother, and my MOTHER were there!! It was just a good time and being able to spend time with the people I love was even better. I'm hoping this good mojo that I have had this weekend heads in to the coming up week. Here is HOPING for a wonderful MONDAY!
Love ya,
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Whaddup Peeps,
Because I'm not really a fan of the topics of the blogtember challenge Im just going to go on my own path for this one. This post is very dear to my heart! So on this day 4 years ago my nephew Nick Nick aka bad ass aka Nicholi was born!! Nicholas was born at 26 weeks. He didn't feel the need to stay in there for the remainder of the 13 weeks and was ready for his DRAMATIC debut. In all actuality it wasn't really dramatic but it was safer for him on the outside to stay in his mother so here we are. My Nick Nick was in the hospital for 98 days. While in there he didn't have many problems like some preemies do.....he just had a few little scares. Our family was BLESSED considering how bad it could have been.He has had some delays but he is thriving and doing well.
I'm just so blessed to be this little boys' aunt! I love him so much!!! I'm grateful for him! Thank Heavens for Nephews!!
Love Ya,
Because I'm not really a fan of the topics of the blogtember challenge Im just going to go on my own path for this one. This post is very dear to my heart! So on this day 4 years ago my nephew Nick Nick aka bad ass aka Nicholi was born!! Nicholas was born at 26 weeks. He didn't feel the need to stay in there for the remainder of the 13 weeks and was ready for his DRAMATIC debut. In all actuality it wasn't really dramatic but it was safer for him on the outside to stay in his mother so here we are. My Nick Nick was in the hospital for 98 days. While in there he didn't have many problems like some preemies do.....he just had a few little scares. Our family was BLESSED considering how bad it could have been.He has had some delays but he is thriving and doing well.
I'm just so blessed to be this little boys' aunt! I love him so much!!! I'm grateful for him! Thank Heavens for Nephews!!
Love Ya,
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Black Dagger Brotherhood (Blogtember Day 16)
Tuesday, September 24: Review a book, place, or product.
These blog posts get harder and harder. Review a book, place or product.....IDK Jenni.....I just don't know! There are so many things that I love. One thing that I love to is read. I will read any type of book as long as there is a good plot that can suck me in. I love everyone from Eric Jerome Dickey to Danielle Steele. It doesn't matter as long as its good I'm in there!! Another thing I love about books is a good series. One series of books that I love....and I mean LOVE is the vampire series written by J.R. Ward The Black Dagger Brotherhood.
The Black Dagger Brotherhood, is about a band of SEXY vampires that fight against a group of the undead called Lessers. The series follows each brother in the brotherhood, their trials and tribulations as well the love they find on their prospective journeys. These books are packed with action, suspense, and erotica. I can always tell the quality of a book by how lost in the world the author is trying to paint. With J.R. Ward, her writing takes me there. I feel apart of the story! Very good!! This series is awesome. J.R. Ward is awesome in her own right. She has other series, The Fallen Angles as well as another surname that she uses when she writes as Jessica Bird. I haven't had a chance to read those and I keep telling myself that one day I will take a peak at the other series, but for now The Black Dagger Brotherhood gives me everything that I need. ![]() | ||||||
Black Dagger Brotherhood |
Love Ya,
Monday, September 23, 2013
Blogtember Day 15
Monday, September 23: A "life lately" post. What you're up to, how you're feeling, how you're doing on your goals, etc. Bonus points for great photos!
Hey there guys!!! I'm holding strong with this Blogtember shin dig!! I'm shocked at myself that I have kept with this thing for this long. I get bored with things pretty quickly. This blog and Blogtember is holding strong so I must REALLY like it.
So, life lately is the same old thing. Nothing really all that new besides trying to stick to a budget, which I am failing miserably at(No judgement please)! Also can't forget about that handy ticket I got while zooming through VA to get to DC for my bestie's wedding reception. Word to the wise...NEVER...EVER...EVER drive past the speed limit in Virginia.....you will get a ticket and you will be HIGHLY ANNOYED. A little nugget dropped by yours truly DK! Your Welcome!
Other than that...I'm still living....and I'm still working 2 jobs trying to get out of this thing we call debt. Any helpful hints you guys can provide for me to stick to my budget? It would be much appreciated!!
Thank you!!
Love ya,
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Random Day
Hey Guys!!! I know its Sunday and tomorrow we will be back to the foolery that is Monday!! So....I don't know why....I just felt the need to come post on the bloggity today! Tomorrow starts a short WORK week for me but a long recovery week. You see...I'm having all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out on Wednesday! BABY....when I tell you that I'm NERVOUS....that's an understatement! I'm terrified....but I know that big G got me! Furthermore I'm going to recover at my sister's house with my two nephews, Nicholas who is 3 and Jacob who is 1. Hopefully they won't be too scared of me because I feel like I will look like Quasimodo! Anyways....I hope you guys had a WONDERFUL weekend and a even better Monday!
I want to blog this week but I don't know how well that will work out! I will try though!!
Cheers to a new WEEK
Love Ya,
I want to blog this week but I don't know how well that will work out! I will try though!!
Cheers to a new WEEK
Love Ya,
Friday, September 20, 2013
Friday, September 20: React to this term: comfort.
Comfort is a term that when applied can be the most AWESOME thing ever, or depending on the situation can be something that is not so good.
Comfort to me is when I come home from a long day at working both jobs and I get to take my bra off and let it all hang out. Or when I'm hanging with my love, and he lets me wear his hoodie. When I'm sleeping in my own BED and the sheets are the correct amount of cool. When my baby dog Barkley curls up in my lap for a little nizzy. When my mother cooks that soul food.....COMFORT
When you are COMFORTable in a relationship, it may not be good. Having a level of comfort with your mate is great, BUT when you are too comfortable i.e. not doing the things you did to get said person then thats a problem. When you are COMFORTABLE at your job, you get stuck in a rut and you just do enough to get by. When comfort is used in those terms its not really a good thing.
You guys have a good weekend!!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
BlogTember Day 13
Thursday, September 19: Creative writing day: write a (very short) fictional story that starts with this sentence: "To say I was dreading the dinner party would be the understatement of the century."
To say I was dreading the dinner party would be the understatement of the century. I AM COMPLETELY DREADING said dinner party. My job plans an annual dinner party every year for the opportunity for the upper management to rub elbows with the lower class employees. This year is my team member Lonya's first time going to this dinner party, so of course she begged me to come along. NO amount of objections from me could change her mind of trying to get me to out of the house for one night.
As I'm putting on my lotion and getting ready to head out the door, I receive a text from Lonya who is expressing her GLEE for tonight and this dinner party. All I can think of is how my life was DRASTICALLY different 6 months ago. 6 months ago my life was great or at least I thought it was. I was happy....a happy I could never have imagined that I could have with anyone in this life. There was a man...who was EVERYTHING to me. A man, that I thought would rescue me, and be my knight in shining armor. He in turn was the evil villain who ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped on it. He is the reason that I'm not enthused about this dinner party. You see, this man who I thought was my knight, in all actuality is the current vice president of my company. You see my ex will be there with his NEW WIFE who is currently pregnant with their first child. Did I mention that the new wife is my former best friend?
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
BlogTember Day 12
Wednesday, September 18: Only photos
Im back on the Blogtember bus and IM LOVING IT!!! Ive missed doing this....didn't know I could say this 12 days in! To my credit I missed a few days....but I was trying to recover from my weekend as well as trying to get over this PMS. ANYWHO....here are the pictures!
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My baby love |
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My nephew |
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Lil ole ME |
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Blogtember Pause
Hey guys!!!
I have been out of commission since Friday, with travelling for a friends wedding reception in DC.
God bless the victims of the shooting at the Navy Yard!
Ill be back tomorrow with the next Blogtember post!!! Until then...check out the new do! I LOVE it!
Love Ya,
I have been out of commission since Friday, with travelling for a friends wedding reception in DC.
God bless the victims of the shooting at the Navy Yard!
Ill be back tomorrow with the next Blogtember post!!! Until then...check out the new do! I LOVE it!
Love Ya,
Friday, September 13, 2013
BlogTember Day 9
Friday, September 13: A self portrait
These posts keep getting later and later. I'm going to miss the deadline! SMH! But no, today has been a really busy day!! At first I wasn't going to post anything because I didn't really get the prompt....was there a deeper meaning to self portrait. But no it was just a photo! So I can do that!!
Here is my self portrait!!!
My new cut!
You like?
There you have it!! Happy Friday Guys!!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
BlogTember Day 7
Thursday, September 12: Discuss ways that blogging or social media has changed you.
impressed with myself for holding out till day 7. I’m surprised that I'm
actually blogging so today is just an AWE day. LOL!
Social media has changed me because I am a social media addict.
I love Twitter, Instagram and Vine! Facebook not so much anymore. If it weren’t
for family and close friends I probably wouldn’t be up there anymore. In the
next year or so I will probably be out the loop all together and just let them
reference the blog OR just pick up the phone to give a sister a holla! Social media has opened up a line
communication to the world that who knew was possible a few years ago. Who would have thought that you would have a
random thought…type it out in 140 characters or less and share that it could be
spread all the way to Africa if you have a follower there. To me that is
AMAZING! Social media has changed the
world I live in. I'm even more connected to people that I might not have had an
opportunity to be connected with before. Just loves it! Now if I could find a
job working with social media…we might be on to something LOL!!
Good Days Guys!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
BlogTember Day 7
Wednesday, September 11: Share links to your favorite online shops, preferably with a few photos of your favorite items in each shop.
I don't really do any online shopping. Now that I think about it I don't really do any shopping unless its a special event. Like yesterday I went to Dilliards to find a dress for one of my good friends wedding reception. My Ash Cash got married this past Friday!! Congrats boo!! But, I found a cute flowy maxi dress for the event that was less than $15!!Whose winning?? This girl!
Not one to shy away from a challenge I had to think of something to post. So I decided to go with a website that I frequent a lot in hopes that one day everything I have on my wish list I will get! What website is this you ask? Well its:
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I really want a DSLR camera, this one is SO NICE!! YAS!!!
Well that's it you guys!! Now its so late but I procrastinated at work! Whatev!!
Good Night
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Blogtember Day 6
Tuesday, September 10: Describe a distinct moment when your life took a turn.
I would have to say in February of 2012 I lost my job with a company I was contracting for. Now mind you I knew that the job would be ending but not 6 months prior to that. I believed that as the first person on I would be the last person out. I was mistaken. So, I worked in two different cities 30 minutes apart. I would travel to both during the week. In the middle of the project I was working primarily in one. My part wasn't doing as well as the other considering that I was the only one in my city and the other city had 3 or 4 people Monday-Friday. So who would think that my city would be doing better when I'm the only one busting my ASS?!
Although I didn't particularly like my job, I was good at what I did so when I was told that I would be the one let go! I was SO SAD...what was I going to do for money...how was I going to survive? Then I got kinda excited because it was an opportunity for a new beginning and a chance to be away from the place that I wasn't happy in. My refund check came around that time as well as my unemployment so for a good month I was living high off the hog. Until I started my job hunt again and ended up with NOTHING. I went on several interviews and no one was biting. Up to this point, this time was probably the lowest in my life. Being unemployed, someone broke into my house, I had an accident in my car just to name a few things going on and not to mention the bills that kept adding and adding UP.
In September of 2012 I finally found a dead end job that allowed me to get off of unemployment but I was barely making it by. Furthermore I HATED THAT PLACE!
That time in my life taught me a lot about who I was and money management. Still trying to grasp this whole money management thing but I'm learning. I'm no longer at the dreadful place and now at a new one that I don' mind and the potential to move up is A HUGE POSSIBILITY. So...my big homie upstairs was working it out for me an placed me where I needed to be. And for that I'm thankful.
Interested to read the other posts for Blogtember!
Love Always,
Monday, September 9, 2013
BlogTember Day 5
Hey guys! Hope your weekend was filled with fun!! I didn't do much because I'm fighting this pesky cold. But I did get the opportunity to hang out with some of my family for my grandmothers 80th birthday dinner!! It was fun fun fun to say the least! My family is BETTER than your FAMILY! Nope...just kidding...but they are the absolute BEST although they get on my nerves.
So I am keeping u p with this blogging during the week thing and I'm impressed with myself! HEHE! So here are the results of my personality test.
The extrovert aspect is so true!! I am a TRUE extravert. Or at least I think so. The others....IDK!
Here is an explanation of the ENFJ personality HERE but I'm not quite sure how accurate it is. While I was doing this I accidentally missed a question and when I went back all the questions were blank. And I wasn't getting ready to go back and do all 100 questions AGAIN.....I ain't got the TIME! So when I went forward my results were still there so I kept it!
Anywho! Those are my results! What are yours?
Happy Monday
Friday, September 6, 2013
Blogtember Day 4
Friday, September 6: A story about a time you were very afraid.
I don't know if I have ever experienced a time I was very afraid. Like afraid I was going to DIE! I don't think I have ever experienced that....if I did I must have blocked it out!!! So what I'm going to do is list some things that I am afraid of.
1. I'm afraid of DYING
I know that one day everyone will DIE! But I have a fear that I will die before accomplishing everything I set out to do.
2.I'm afraid of ghosts and scary movies
LISTEN.........you can't pay me money to see a scary movie. I know that it is made up and its just a MOVIE but BABAY.......I will be jumping all over the place.
3.I'm afraid of insects
I hate them...that is ALL.
4.My nephews being hurt while under my care.
Let me tell y all....my nephews are my world. Kids get HURT....I know this and I would hate for them to get hurt PERIOD but getting hurt while with ME....just take me to the KING because I will be distraught.
That is all....I'm doing so well this week(MINUS TUESDAY) but hopefully I can keep this up for next week. It might be beneficial to plan over the weekend!! Actually I think I will do that!!!
You guys Have a good WEEKEND
Thursday, September 5, 2013
BlogTember Day 3
So I'm back with another post. I can really get use to this who blogging thing. I just need a rhythm and I'm good! :)
So day 3 topic is: Pass on some useful advice or information you learned and always remembered
One piece of advice that or information that I have learned and have a hard time remembering is that you should always follow your heart and do what you want. If it is right everything will work out in the end….if not then there are plenty of lessons that will prepare/help you later on in life. So its a win/win anyway you look at it!
Thats it! Short and sweet!!
Until Next Time Guys!

So day 3 topic is: Pass on some useful advice or information you learned and always remembered
One piece of advice that or information that I have learned and have a hard time remembering is that you should always follow your heart and do what you want. If it is right everything will work out in the end….if not then there are plenty of lessons that will prepare/help you later on in life. So its a win/win anyway you look at it!
Thats it! Short and sweet!!
Until Next Time Guys!
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
So....I have been wanting to blog FOREVER. So last week I decided to finally sit down to do it. NOW...the hard part has been finding things that I want to talk about that I think people would want to talk about too. So with this being said....I follow Brittany's blog here and she mentioned this link up to post I believe 20 days in the month of September. So what better way to get started in this whole blogging world then ATTEMPTING to post all 20 days(LETS forget that I didn't start yesterday the official start day...NO JUDGEMENT please ;) )
So for today, the post is:
If you could take three months off from your current life and do anything in the world, what would you do?
Coach would tell you that I would TRAVEL! Anywhere I could....here are a few spots that I would love to go to ONE DAY if its safe for Americans to travel there.

This place seems so RICH in culture and sites! I would love to go where I believe civilization started!
3. Tahiti
Tahiti is GORGEOUS....it just screams ROMANTIC AND BABY MAKING! GEEZ...also relaxing the water just looks AMAZING! I will be going there SOMEDAY!
4. India
The Taj Mahal is the ONLY reason I want to go.
I just want to go....NO REASON except for I want to go there.....LOL!
So that's it guys....if you are interested in joining in on the blog challenge make sure to click the link!
Friday, August 30, 2013
Hey Yall!!! I can't believe that it is FRIDAY end of the work week BUT the end of me packing up for this MOVE. The house that I have been staying in for the last 2 years is SOLD and I have to leave :(! I'm really not that excited about it and I'm going to miss my old house!! BUT this is the opportunity for NEW BEGINNINGS and I for one DON'T pass up the opportunity to start over and begin FRESH. Check out what I have done thus far:
ANYWHO I'm linking up for my for first 5 on Friday! So excited!!
1. Mumford And Sons I'm not really a fan of this group but this video CRACKS me up EVERYTIME!! JUST HILARIOUS! http://youtu.be/rId6PKlDXeU
4.I'm training to RUN
5. Kanye West is my favorite RAPPER(Sorry, I'm NOT SORRY)
Thats it for me! Hope you guys enjoy your weekend and Labor Day Holiday!
ANYWHO I'm linking up for my for first 5 on Friday! So excited!!
1. Mumford And Sons I'm not really a fan of this group but this video CRACKS me up EVERYTIME!! JUST HILARIOUS! http://youtu.be/rId6PKlDXeU
4.I'm training to RUN
5. Kanye West is my favorite RAPPER(Sorry, I'm NOT SORRY)
Thats it for me! Hope you guys enjoy your weekend and Labor Day Holiday!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
This Is IT......
For the past 6 months or so I have been thinking of blogging. Everyday at work(in between my tasks of course ;) ) I'm logged into my Bloglovin account checking out the latest post from some of the blogs I have discovered....so it only seemed right that I start my own!! So who am I?
My name is Kayla but some call me DoveKat, or DK hence the name of the blog. I'm a 20-something fun loving gal from NC just trying to LIVE. Not quite sure what I'm suppose to be doing in life but maybe through this blog I can figure out what my purpose is. I enjoy traveling, EATING, hilarious meme's and GIF's, Social Media, ratchet reality television, and other things that tickle my fancy. This blog is going to be about ANYTHING I WANT!!! But seriously I just feel like I have some interesting things to share! Hopefully I can keep up with this....and hopefully you find me interesting! So here is to something I think is the beginning of something GREAT! My proverbial blogging cherry has been popped!
My name is Kayla but some call me DoveKat, or DK hence the name of the blog. I'm a 20-something fun loving gal from NC just trying to LIVE. Not quite sure what I'm suppose to be doing in life but maybe through this blog I can figure out what my purpose is. I enjoy traveling, EATING, hilarious meme's and GIF's, Social Media, ratchet reality television, and other things that tickle my fancy. This blog is going to be about ANYTHING I WANT!!! But seriously I just feel like I have some interesting things to share! Hopefully I can keep up with this....and hopefully you find me interesting! So here is to something I think is the beginning of something GREAT! My proverbial blogging cherry has been popped!
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This is the essence of me! This picture sums up my personality! Silly...Quirky....and slightly AWKWARD
The man in my world, I love this man to LIFE. He is slightly private so we will just refer to him as "Coach"
The other man in my life is my #1 fur baby Barkley!
Love, DK
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